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Legal-entity data you can trust

Fresh, standardized, auditable information direct from official primary sources across 140+ jurisdictions — all underpinned by our Legal-Entity Data Principles and world-leading expertise in legal-entity data. This is data you can trust.

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Do you really know who you’re dealing with?

We enter into contracts with companies every day. Each of those contracts was with something with legal personality – almost always a "legal entity". Yet too often we're ignorant of them and who is behind them, with all the attendant risks that brings.

Whether you're in business, government, journalism, activism, research or a consumer — our goal is to help you better understand the companies you deal with.

Search the world’s largest open legal-entity database or plug the data direct into your applications and processes.

Fresh, standardized, auditable information underpinned by our Legal-Entity Data Principles, this is data you can trust.

It shouldn't be hard to get legal-entity data you can trust

And yet it is. Legal-entity information is dispersed across hundreds of business registers that are hard to navigate and impossible to access at scale. Traditional company-data aggregators are no longer the answer either, given their opaque processes and provenance.

Verifiable accuracy is more important than ever, and you should expect more.

You need data built on deep expertise, rigorous data models and well-founded, forward-looking principles. Data sourced direct from primary sources, curated with clear decision-making and no hidden bias, and defined by open not proprietary identifiers and standards. Data you know you can trust.

We believe a fairer, more prosperous and sustainable society can only be achieved with greater corporate transparency.

Since 2010 we’ve been working with government agencies, NGOs and public-benefit groups to improve the quality and accessibility of the foundational legal-entity data on which you depend.

Today we offer the world's largest open legal-entity database, providing a single unified set of company records from over 140 government registries and other official sources around the world.


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